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Set to become an annual campaign, Men of Zero Harm is a National GBV celebrity & public endorsement campaign with the objective of empowering men to stand up and speak out, holding their peers accountable to a set of values that prescribes The Modern Gentleman.

By redefining the ‘Alpha male’ The Zero Harm campaign will promote and destigmatize men’s mindsets & beliefs surrounding positive masculinity and equality towards women, while educating & empowering women to speak up about abuse.

Screenshot 2021 10 05 at 12.27.18
MF Campaign Introduction 2021


To become a Man of Zero Harm requires men to undertake The Pledge in order to feature the Zero Harm Badge as a symbol of honour, enforcing a sense of pride –driven as a physical badge to be worn on uniforms/suits and/or as a filter to apply to profile pictures on social media platforms.